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XLineSoft PHPRunner v5.2.4905

XLineSoft PHPRunner v5.2.4905
PHPRunner is very well used in building visually appealing web interface for local or remote MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle databases. Your web site visitors will be able to easily search, add, edit, delete and export data in the database. Advanced security options allow to build password-protected for members of your website. PHPRunner is simple to learn so you can build your first project in just fifteen minutes.

  • Easy to use wizard-like interface.
  • Numerous search modes.
  • Add, view, edit, copy and delete pages.
  • Built-in FTP Client to upload PHP pages to the Web server.
  • Creates password protected PHP pages.
  • User self-register page, password reminder, change password pages. 
  • Multilingual templates. Ability to choose language while logging in.
Benefits of using PHPRunner are:
  • Improve functionality of your web site.
  • No programming required.
  • Can save you time and money.
  • Easy to use, you can generate your first PHP web site in just fifteen minutes.
  • Create robust, easy to modify code.

XLineSoft PHPRunner v5.2.4905
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